Prosper Nutrition Services
1:1 Coaching
I offer 1-on-1 health counseling in both a 4-week and a 12-week program designed to support your nutritional and lifestyle needs and get you feeling great again! I usually recommend the 12-week package, as achieving better health is not a quick fix- and it can be very beneficial to have support throughout the whole 12 weeks. However, if that is not something you are ready to commit to quite yet, I totally get it! I am here to help you as long as you feel is necessary.
4 week Plan
4 weeks of one-on-one coaching sessions and personalized guidance to help you get a jump start to more energy and better health.
An initial 90-minute consultation
Two 30-minute follow-up visits (1 every other week for a total of 3 visits)
Personalized dietary recommendations based on your concerns, goals, specific nutrient imbalances, and deficiencies
Lifestyle support surrounding stress management, sleep, toxic exposure, and movement depending on your unique needs and goals
Bio-individual supplemental recommendations
Available support on off weeks (answering any questions you may have via text or email)
A personalized 5-day meal plan that includes 5 different breakfast and dinner recipes
Prior to our initial meeting, you will fill out a thorough Nutritional Analysis Questionnaire (NAQ), initial interview questionnaire, 3-day Food and Mood Journal (you will log in what you ate, any supplements/medications you took, movement, mood, and digestive symptoms). All of these give me a better idea as to where we need to start and how I can best support you.
In the 90-minute initial consultation (available on Zoom or in person), we will go over the paperwork you filled out, your personal health goals, what motivates you, and how I can be most supportive to you. This consultation will also include your personalized dietary, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations.
After the initial consultation, there will be a 30-minute follow-up visit every other week. These will be supportive meetings where we will go over your progress, any changes that may need to be made, and any questions you may have.
Online via Zoom, or in person in Nampa, Idaho
12 week Plan
12 weeks of one-on-one coaching sessions and personalized guidance to support your body and provide you with opportunities to build lasting habits that will serve you and your health for years to come.
An initial 90-minute consultation
6 additional 30-minute follow-up visits (1 every other week- for a total of 7 visits)
Personalized dietary recommendations based on your concerns, goals, specific nutrient imbalances, and deficiencies
Lifestyle support surrounding stress management, sleep, toxic exposure, and movement depending on your unique needs and goals
Bio-individual supplemental recommendations
Available support on off weeks (answering any questions you may have)
3 personalized 5-day meal plans that include 5 different breakfast and dinner recipes each (1 per month)
Prior to our initial meeting, you will fill out a thorough Nutritional Analysis Questionnaire (NAQ), initial interview questionnaire, 3-day Food and Mood Journal (you will log in what you ate, any supplements/medications you took, movement, mood, and digestive symptoms). All of these give me a better idea as to where we need to start and how I can best support you.
In the 90-minute initial consultation (available on Zoom or in person), we will go over the paperwork you filled out, your personal health goals, what motivates you, and how I can be most supportive to you. This consultation will also include your personalized dietary, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations.
After the initial consultation, there will be a 30-minute follow-up visit every other week. These will be supportive meetings where we will go over your progress, any changes that may need to be made, and any questions you may have. There will be re-evaluations along the way to track your progress along with additional sets of recommendations as you become ready for them.
$1,000 upfront or $375 per month for 3 months
Online via Zoom, or in person in Nampa, Idaho
Additional Services
Pantry Clean-out
Do you feel completely lost when it comes to knowing what foods are truly healthy for you and your family? Does staying on top of all the many ingredients found in packaged foods feel overwhelming? This is for the person who is serious about revamping their pantry staples to reflect the health they are looking to achieve. Labels can be very deceiving- and that’s why I am here to help!
I will go through your pantry with you and write out for you all of the items that are excellent, good, okay, and best to throw away. Depending on your preference, we can throw out certain items right then, or you can use the rest of it up and just choose to not purchase it again. This process can really go however you’d like it to.
I will help you learn to identify which ingredients to steer clear from in the future.
Supportive education and handouts are provided so you can re-stock with nourishing pantry staples!
I also offer grocery store tours as well to help you know what to re-stock with!
Pricing: $75 per hour
I offer an optional, month-to-month maintenance plan after you complete the 12-week package (does not apply to the 4-week package). If you decide this is the right step for you, we will continue in the same format as we did for the 12-week plan- just on a month-to-month basis. I want to make sure you feel supported and equipped to continue in health when we conclude our time together. If you don’t feel ready at the end of the 12 weeks, I want to be there to continue guiding you as long as you feel is necessary!
The pricing for this plan is $350 per month.
Maintenance Coaching